Pastel Pencils Review – Derwent Brand

As drawing mediums go, probably one of the most little talked about drawing tool is the pastel pencil. Soft and hard pastels themselves (in block form) are a well-known medium which produces stunning results. The photo to the right from Pixabay, created by Courtney Crookes, is a testament to what can be done with pastel … Read more

How to Draw a Tree Step by Step

”Ha, you call that a tree?”, scoffed my eighth-grade art teacher as he walked by my desk and gazed upon a tree I had been working very hard on, trying to draw it to the best of my ability. I wish he had offered a better way to help me improve, to teach me how to … Read more

Col-Erase Colored Pencil Review – Their Real Purpose

Years ago, I purchased Prismacolor Col-Erase erasable colored pencils for the same reason presumably that other people want to buy them–because they love coloring or colored pencil art but want the convenience of being able to erase, a luxury traditional colored pencils don’t offer. I tried them completing this small peach picture. They definitely felt … Read more

Derwent Watercolor Pencils – And Best Tips for Using Them

Do you own a set of watercolor pencils? If not, why not? They really are an absolute blast to use in creating beautiful art. They are the best of both worlds–colored pencils and watercolor painting–and are extremely versatile. But just like everything else, not all watercolor pencil brands (also known as water-soluble) are created equal. … Read more

Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencils-Worth It?

You hear them touted by professional artists as having exceptional quality. But seeking them out in the art store left you near fainting (I know I nearly keeled over) due to sticker shock, lol! It took me years to justify to myself spending the money on these because I was afraid that they weren’t worth … Read more

Shading with Colored Pencils-For Beginners

If you are a newbie color pencil artist, you have already begun to experience the joy of using this wonderful medium. Some of you may have an extensive collection of art pieces that you have completed in colored pencils or even just colorings you have done using colored pencil. However, some of you may be … Read more

Pencil Drawing Supplies – Beginner’s Guide

Learning to draw can be daunting enough without fretting over what supplies to get. With so many different items and brands, just purchasing the supplies can be enough of a deterrent for beginners to just throw their hands up and forget about learning pencil drawing. But it doesn’t have to be that way. And it … Read more

How to Draw Cat Whiskers and Leaf Veins

If you’ve ever drawn a cat or other animal you may be stuck on how exactly to do the whiskers. I mean, they are white  and we know we really can’t just use a white pencil to draw the whiskers over an area built up with layers of dark color. Well, we could, but it … Read more