How to Paint on Rocks – For Beginners

Have you ever seen cute little painted rocks in your travels? From healing stones to refrigerator magnets to paper weights to table-top or shelf decorations, these painted rocks serve a purpose and have become more popular in recent years. You may have thought it must be tricky or difficult to paint rocks and have always … Read more

10 Easy Ways for How to Improve Your Art Skills

Whether you have been creating art for awhile or are just beginning, I’m guessing you have what I refer to as having a “fire in the belly” for creating art. That is akin to having a food craving (like my frequent chocolate craving—has to be dark, though, not the milk chocolate, lol, but I digress!). … Read more

Best Paper For Colored Pencil – It’s All In The Tooth

If you have landed here to read about the best paper for colored pencil, it might be that you are less than satisfied with your colored pencil work. You may have some of the best colored pencils—Faber-Castell Polychromos, Prismacolor Premier, Koh-i-Noor, to name a few. Also, you may have the basics down: layering, blending shading, … Read more

Hot Vs. Cold Press Watercolor Paper

You’ve probably heard the terms cold press or hot press watercolor paper but are not exactly sure what that means and what would be best for you. I remember when I started using watercolor pencils (which requires watercolor paper), I purchased cold press simply because it was more popular and have happily used it for … Read more

7 Fun and Easy Watercolor Pencil Techniques

Watercolor pencils are a unique medium in that they combine the fun part of each medium—drawing with a pencil and painting with a brush. If you have used colored pencils but have always wanted to try painting, this may be the perfect transition for you. It’s frankly easier than traditional watercolor painting. No kidding! I wrote … Read more

How to Draw Anime – You Can Do It!

In the world of Japanese animation, the anime characters have huge eyes, are absolutely adorable and striking, and are very popular. If you google the word anime, you will find over 2 billion results! And believe it or not, these characters are fun to draw, too, when you learn how to draw in the anime … Read more

Koh-I-Noor Woodless Colored Pencils Review!

Have you ever heard of Koh-I-Noor Woodless Colored Pencils? That’s OK, years ago, I hadn’t either. One of the elders in my colored pencil class brought them in to show me. As soon as I put one in my hand, I was enthralled and began taking it for a little test drive. I “ooed” and … Read more